Debut Cd Launch - Memories Of Places Past
March 03 07:05 PM
Église Notre-Dame-De-Grâce
Montréal, Québec
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Event Details
(Version française suivra)
Join us to celebrate the Quebec launch of Trio dell’Aria’s debut album “Memories of Places Past” in Montreal. You’re in for an evening of music, food and fun...not to mention some bubbly and wine! (Non-alcoholic drinks will be served as well).
There will be several mini-performances throughout the evening and the opportunity to purchase our CD for $20...signed if you’d like! Meet the artists, eat, listen to beautiful live classical music and be merry at our little soirée!
Rejoignez-nous pour célébrer le lancement québecois du premier album de Trio dell’Aria intitulé “Memories of Places Past à Saint-Hubert – où demeurre la soprano Kripa Nageshwar. Soyez prêt pour une soirée de la musique, la bouffe et amusement…sans parler du mousseux et du vin! (Les boissons sans alcool seront aussi servis.)
Il y aura plusieurs mini-concert pendant la soirée et l’opportunité d’acheter notre CD pour 20$...on le signera aussi si vous voulez! Rencontrez les artistes, mangez, écoutez la belle musique en public et soyez gai à notre petite soirée!
Featured Program
Doors open at 7:00 PM. Food and drinks will be served immediately. The mini-concerts will start around 19h30, and there will be 3-4 of them throughout the evening. /
Portes s’ouvrent à 19h00. Les boissons et la bouffe seront servies tout de suite. Les mini-concerts vont commencer vers 19h30, et il y en aura vers 3 à 4 pendant la soirée.
Repertoire includes excerpts from / Le répertoire comprendra des extraits de:
Louis Spohr: Six German Songs / Sechs deutsche Lieder Op.103
Frank Horvat: Memory of a Place Past - St. Joe’s, (2016)
Colin Eatock: Ashes of Soldiers (2010)
Description of the album and composers (en anglais seulement)
The pieces in Memories of Places Past were chosen because of their incredible interlocking melodies that blend together as the musical stories unfold. The clarinet is ever-present, and its compelling timbre acts as a foundation, which the other soloists can weave their musical magic.
Louis Spohr’s Six Germans Songs, were composed in 1837 and were dedicated to Princess Caroline von Schwarzburg- Rudolstadt (of Germany). At its premier performance, the clarinet part was played by Spohr’s long-time friend and most famous clarinettists of the nineteenth century, Johann Simon Hermstedt. The pieces are reminiscent of the cozy domestic ambiance of the middle-class salon or drawing room and are a throw-back to the Mozart’s compositional style. The expressive background of the piano accompaniment creates a beautiful canvas upon which the simplistic beauty of the vocal line and the delightful Romantic sonority of the clarinet have been laid.
Frank Horvat’s Memory of a Place Past - St. Joe’s, (2016) explores the relationship of the composer’s lingering memory of an event that left him with personal feelings of guilt and shame. The soprano’s use of only syllables represents how the event and memory were kept inside, and the effect of not sharing the secret with others. The clarinet and soprano are almost always in unison, attempting to convey a reinforced emotional melody and almost in essence, creating a new instrument. The piece starts aggressively and gradually works its way to an uneasy calm. The memory always appears at first with initial shock and then it fades away into an uneasy calm.
Colin Eatock’s Ashes of Soldiers (2010) is dedicated to the composer’s father, Alan James Eatock, who was a soldier. The piece is in two movements: the first is for clarinet and piano; in the second, a soprano is added to the instrumental duo. Thematically, the two movements – which are performed without pause – are closely related. The second movement a continuation and development of the musical ideas introduced in the first. The text is based on a poem of the same title by Walt Whitman, from his Leaves of Grass. Despite the poem’s specific setting in Civil War era USA, its theme is universal: the commemoration of all soldiers who have died in battle, regardless of their allegiances